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Readability vs Comprehensibility

For me, clarity is composed of two smaller ideas: readability and comprehensibility. Neither of these words have widely-accepted definitions in software engineering, so for the purposes of this article, I will define them like so:

ability for a reader to recognize the syntactic constructs in a body of code.
ability for a reader to discern the what a body of code does at a high level.

Readability #

The LISP family of programming languages have reached the pinnacle of readability.

Consider that in Clojure (a LISP) addition looks like this:

(+ 1 2)

Printing to the console looks like this:

(println "Hello, World!")

“If” expressions look like this:

(if true :was-true :was-false)

In each case, the expression has the form (<function> <arg1> <arg2> ...). That’s it! Now you can parse any line of LISP.

Contrast this with a language such as C where addition looks like this:

1 + 2

Printing to the console looks like this:

printf("Hello, World!");

“If” statements look like this:

if (condition) {
  // perform "then" actions
} else {
  // perform "else" actions

Each of these statements and expressions uses a different syntax (infix operator, function invocation, multi-arm conditional), and these are not the only forms in the language either. After years of study, many C programmers believe they have learned all the syntax of the language only to be bewildered by ternary expressions.

Comprehensibility #

Readability, however, is often in contention with comprehensibility. Let’s compare two recursive implementations of a factorial function:


(defn factorial [x]
  (if (<= x 1)
    (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))


int factorial(int x) {
  if (x <= 1) return 1;
  else return x * factorial(x - 1);

The uniformity of the syntax of expressions in LISPs such as Clojure can impair the reader’s ability to quickly determine the meaning of a given expression. For instance, the prefix notation of LISPs applied to boolean and arithmetic operators (e.g. < a b) can be difficult for the reader to decipher when they are used to seeing infix notation (e.g. a < b).

By contrast, the diversity of syntactic forms in the presented C code (discussed above), with the exception of the noisy inline type specifications, lead to a very comprehensible function (at least in my opinion). With only a little imagination, the function’s body can be read as the English sentence “If x is less than one, return one; else return x times the factorial of x minus one.” If I had to explain to someone how this function worked, that is almost precisely the language that I would use to do so (although I would probably say “otherwise” instead of “else”).

However, if I had to explain which syntactic forms were utilized in the C function, I would have substantially more difficulty (infix operators, explicit return, braceless conditional?).

Wrap Up #

While the syntax of a language can make a significant impact on the readability and comprehensibility of programs written in that language, a great deal of the burden of writing comprehensible code falls on the author in the form of code style, application architecture, and code organization. For instance, consider this ~200 line Go function in the Lightning Network Daemon. How long would it take you to understand or explain how this function works? I’m guessing quite a while. As such, I hope to explore further how authors can make their codebases more comprehensible.

  1. If you write C, you probably have your own preferred style and this is certainly not it. Bear with me here. ↩︎