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The Harmful Duality of Elixir's nil

·4 mins

The Problem #

Have you ever written code like this?

def get_address(address_id) do
  case Addresses.get(address_id) do
    nil -> {:error, :address_not_found}
    val -> {:ok, val}

I have. This pattern is commonly used to make the value that Ecto.Repo.get/3 returns (a struct or nil) play well with Elixir’s with construct. Since Ecto.Repo.get/3 will always return some single value, a nil check is required to determine whether that value indicates a success or a failure. Doing this check inline is somewhat clumsy:

with address when not is_nil(address) <- Addresses.get(address_id) do

There’s a lot happening in that line, which makes the alternative attractive:

with {:ok, address} <- get_address(address_id) do

This is a minor complaint, but it points to a much larger issue with nil in Elixir. First, consider the fact that nil serves two purposes:

  1. Indicate when something cannot be found
  2. Represent an empty value; nothingness

While Elixir gives us the convention of :error as the “operation did not succeed” value, in specific cases nil will also serve that purpose. Why is this an issue? Let me show you an example.

iex(1)> map1 = %{key: nil}
%{key: nil}
iex(2)> map2 = %{}
iex(3)> Map.get(map1, :key)
iex(4)> Map.get(map2, :key)

In this example, Map.get/3 returns nil when passed map1 or map2, but for different reasons. In a less contrived scenario, this can lead to some head-scratching bugs. Consider the case where the value associated with a key is intentionally nil to clear out some previously set value in a record. If you were using Map.get/3 to lookup the key in the map, the return value would not indicate if the key and value simply weren’t supplied (and thus no corresponding update to the record should occur) or if they were supplied and the value happened to be nil (and the old value in the record should be cleared).

This issue is also present with Keyword.get/3, Access.get/3, and even Application.get_env/3.

The Remedy #

As I alluded to earlier, the remedy here is to take away one of nil’s jobs, specifically in indicating failure. The astute among you may have already realized that the third argument (not used in my examples above) to the various get/3 functions is a “default”. You could certainly change the default to :error whenever you call these functions, but there’s likely an even better option.

Enter fetch/2. For each get/3 function I previously mentioned, there is a fetch/2 equivalent (specifically Map.fetch/2, Keyword.fetch/2, Access.fetch/2, and Application.fetch_env/2). These functions work similarly to their get/3 counterparts, but return {:ok, value} when they succeed and :error otherwise. Consider the Map.get/3 example from earlier, but using Map.fetch/2 instead:

iex(1)> map1 = %{key: nil}
%{key: nil}
iex(2)> map2 = %{}
iex(3)> Map.fetch(map1, :key)
{:ok, nil}
iex(4)> Map.fetch(map2, :key)

There is now a clear distinction between the case where the key and value exist and is the value happens to be nil and the case where the lookup has failed. The added bonus of fetch/2 over specifying a default to get/3 is that fetch’s {:ok, value} return is more with-friendly.

with {:ok, value} <- Map.fetch(map1, :key) do
  :error -> {:error, "Value not found"}

“But wait,” you might say, “what about the example with Ecto.Repo.get/3? Is there an Ecto.Repo.fetch/2?”

Sadly, the answer is “no.” Your only options when looking up a record by its primary key are Ecto.Repo.get/3 and Ecto.Repo.get!/3 (which raises an error when the record is not found).

In a way, this makes sense. Since Ecto.Repo.get/3 will always return a struct on success, there is no way a nil return could be confused for anything less than a lookup failure. However, by choosing nil as the failed lookup value, Ecto has pigeon-holed nil into its usage that makes less sense. Should a nil returned by Ecto.Repo.get/3 propagate out the context of Ecto, the confusion over whether it constitutes a failure or an intentionally blank value will ensue.

While the ship has probably sailed on Ecto’s API, it hasn’t on other libraries and your own code. Whenever you type those three characters into your text editor, make sure it means precisely one thing.