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Elixir GenServers vs Agents

·13 mins

Just as Protocols are an abstraction built upon Behaviours, Agents are an abstraction built upon GenServers. While GenServers can serve a wider variety of purposes, Agents serve a single purpose: storing state.

GenServer #

The Elixir documentation for GenServer summarizes them as such:

A GenServer is a process like any other Elixir process and it can be used to keep state, execute code asynchronously and so on. The advantage of using a generic server process (GenServer) implemented using this module is that it will have a standard set of interface functions and include functionality for tracing and error reporting. It will also fit into a supervision tree.

Included in this summary are two potential use-cases for GenServers:

  1. Keep state
  2. Execute code asynchronously

Let’s explore each of these.

Keeping State #

When the documentation refers to “keeping state,” it means between processes. In Elixir, data structures cannot (at least not without some trickery) be shared between processes; each process has it’s own data, and the only way to share data between processes is by passing messages (e.g. using send/2). This frees Elixir developers from having to worry about race conditions much of the time, but it also creates a new question of how to allow multiple processes within an Elixir system to have read/write access to a shared piece of data. I have included an example for doing this with both GenServers and Agents in the latter half of this post.

Executing Code Asynchronously #

The idea here is simple: imagine a web request process wants a report to be generated and an email sent, but also doesn’t want to have to wait until those are finished before sending a response to the user.

Enter GenServer. When an application has a dedicated GenServer process to perform a specific task, other processes can request the GenServer to perform its task by sending it a message, and then continue on with their other work1.

While doing this with Agent is possible it’s not the intended use of Agent, and so should be avoided.

Agent #

The Elixir documentation for Agent summarizes them simply as:

Agents are a simple abstraction around state.

The commentary around “Keeping State” from the GenServer section above applies here, with the noted caveat that Agents are optimized for this use case.

Feature Comparison #

Agents surface much, but not all, of the functionality from their underlying GenServers.

FeatureGenServer SupportAgent Support
call (send message and await response)YesYes
cast (send message without waiting for response)YesYes
info (receive arbitrary messages sent with send/2)YesNo
continue (init function can continue async)YesNo
terminate (custom behavior on shutdown)YesNo
code change (custom code update handling)YesSort-of

Additionally, the Agent module provides a variety of Access-like functions that help the user think of it as a datastructure instead of a process, such as:

The utility of these, and the advantages they provide over coding the same functionality with a GenServer, is best shown through an example.

Example #

Let’s say that we’re creating a bulletin board where users can post new messages. Each request that comes into the bulletin board system is either posting a new message or reading the messages that have been posted.

A bulletin board with notes on it

With Phoenix, as well as with other Elixir/Erlang web frameworks, each request is handled in its own process. Thus, the request-handling process’ state will only include a few things that have been given to it—most likely not including our repository of messages. These request processes need to be able to read or write to a shared repository of messages.

Let’s create a GenServer to hold the messages2!

Conventionally, the first place to start is by defining a module and calling use GenServer within it:

defmodule BBS.MessageRepository do
  use GenServer

Next, we’ll define our server functionality. This consists of an init/1 function which is invoked when the server starts up and a handle_call/3 function which is invoked when the server receives a message3.

  # Server

  def init(messages) do
    {:ok, messages}

  def handle_call({:post, message}, _from, messages) do
    {:reply, :ok, [message | messages]}

  def handle_call(:read_all, _from, messages) do
    {:reply, messages, messages}

Our init/1 allows the server to be initialized with a list of messages, which we use as the initial state. The return value {:ok, messages} indicates that the server started successfully and we want our GenServer’s state to be messages.

Our handle_call/3 function can handle two kinds of incoming messages:

  1. {:post, message}, which requests that message be posted to the bulletin board
  2. :read_all, which requests all of the messages on the bulletin board

The return value in both cases takes the form {:reply, response, new_state}. There are other allowable formats for return values of handle_call/2, but this is the only one we need for this example.

If we ended our module here, a client could use this code like so:

iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(BBS.MessageRepository, ["Welcome to My Bulletin Board!"])
{:ok, #PID<0.163.0>}
iex(2)>, {:post, "Block Party!"})
iex(3)>, :read_all)
["Block Party!", "Welcome to My Bulletin Board!"]

Your PID will almost certainly be different—this is to be expected!

This isn’t very convenient, though, and each request process shouldn’t call GenServer.start_link start it’s own server—that would defeat the purpose!—they need to share one server.

Let’s fix this by configuring our application start the server. If your Elixir app was generated with a supervision tree (i.e. you passed --sup to mix new or are using Phoenix/another framework), you should have an application.ex file, e.g. lib/bbs/application.ex. This file is where the application’s supervision tree is defined, and processes specified in the list of children will be started when your application boots. Let’s add our message repository as a child in this list.

    children = [
        id: BBS.MessageRepository,
          {GenServer, :start_link,
             ["Welcome to My Bulletin Board!"],
             [name: BBS.MessageRepository]

This is a bit verbose, but we’ll clean it up later. The key concept here is that the children list should be reducible to a list of maps that at least have an :id key—whose value is used internally by the supervisor to identify this child—and a :start key—whose value is a Module-Function-Arguments (MFA) tuple that indicates what function to call to start the process.

You may have noticed that [name: BBS.MessageRepository] was added as a third argument to GenServer.start_link. When :name refers to an atom (and in Elixir, modules are atoms), that atom is registered as the node-local name for the process. With the name registered, we can use the name instead of the PID when invoking (and other process communication functions such as send/2). By convention, the name of the module that defines the process is used as the process name.

With this in place, our application will start a shared message repository which we can immediately access by its name:

iex(1)>, {:post, "Block Party!"})
iex(2)>, :read_all)
["Block Party!", "Welcome to My Bulletin Board!"]

This works pretty well. However, it’s conventional in Elixir to use wrapper “client” functions instead of calling GenServer functions directly from your application code. This is especially important when data flowing from your application into the GenServer or vice versa require a bit of processing. That’s not the case for us, but we’ll define client functions anyways for the sake of convention. We’ll put these below the server functions in the BBS.MessageRepository module4.

  # Client

  def post(message) do, {:post, message})

  def read_all() do, :read_all)

Now, from anywhere in our application we can simply invoke"Block Party!") to post a message about a block party and BBS.MessageRepository.read_all() to read all existing messages. Not too shabby!

You can view this first iteration of BBS.MessageRepository on GitHub.

Lastly, the cleanup I mentioned before. At the very bottom of our BBS.MessageRepository module we can define a start_link/1 function like so:

  def start_link(messages) do
      name: BBS.MessageRepository

The key incentive to doing this is that it allows us to simplify the specification for this process in the children list of the application supervisor:

    children = [
      {BBS.MessageRepository, ["Welcome to My Bulletin Board!"]}

Additionally, moving the logic regarding how the process starts into the module where other aspects of process are defined lowers the coupling from our application module to our process module. For instance, if we wanted to change how the BBS.MessageRepository process was started (cough foreshadowing cough), we would only have to update the BBS.MessageRepository module.

You can view this slightly expanded BBS.MessageRepository and the terser application.ex on GitHub.

This wraps up a basic example of storing state with a GenServer.

Let’s refactor our BBS.MessageRepository module to use Agent instead of GenServer. Firstly, we’ll change use GenServer to use Agent:

defmodule BBS.MessageRepository do
  use Agent

Easy enough! Next, we’ll need to change our init/1 function very subtly:

  # Server

  def init(messages) do

Did you notice the change? We changed the return value from {:ok, messages} to just messages. Agents don’t appear to have a method to specify that the server initialization failed, whereas GenServers’ init/1 may return :ignore or {:stop, reason} to indicate that the server should not be started. Regardless, this isn’t a problem for us in this example.

Next, we’re going to convert our handle_call/2 function clauses into two new functions: handle_post/2 and handle_read_all/1. You’ll see why this is necessary soon.

  def handle_post(messages, message) do
    [message | messages]

  def handle_read_all(messages) do

Again, we’ve been able to dispose of some syntactic noise—we don’t take from as an argument (which we didn’t use anyways) and don’t have to wrap our return values in {:reply, response, new_state} tuples. Speaking of which, something interesting to note is that handle_post/2 returns only the new state and handle_read_all/1 only returns a response for the client (which is coincidentally also the state here, but doesn’t need to be). These functions also now take different numbers of arguments! These changes are facilitated by the Agent functions we’ll be using in our updated client functions.

  # Client

  def post(message) do
    Agent.update(BBS.MessageRepository, BBS.MessageRepository, :handle_post, [message])

  def read_all() do
    Agent.get(BBS.MessageRepository, BBS.MessageRepository, :handle_read_all, [])

In post/1, we make use of Agent.update which takes the name of a running Agent as the first argument—we’re still naming the process after the module, per convention—and a module, function, and arguments for the next three arguments (essentially an MFA tuple, discussed earlier). The specified function will receive the Agent’s state as its first argument and the arguments specified in the Agent.update call as subsequent arguments. The return value of this function will be the new state for the Agent. Agent.update always returns :ok.

The implementation of read_all is similar, except that the return value of the function specified to Agent.get will be the return value of Agent.get and has no impact on the Agent’s state.

A nicety of this approach is the ability to assign arbitrary names to the handler functions, whereas with GenServer they had to be clauses of the handle_call function.

Lastly, let’s update our start_link/1 function:

  def start_link(messages) do
    Agent.start_link(BBS.MessageRepository, :init, [messages], name: BBS.MessageRepository)

This didn’t change all that much; we swapped “GenServer” for “Agent”, now have to specify that we want the init function (which was implicit before), and also need to wrap messages in a list to make our first three arguments essentially and MFA tuple. A side effect of this is that we could now pass additional arguments to init, if we wanted, or even renamed init, but that’s not necessary for this example.

You can view the entire module with Agent on GitHub.

If you can believe it, this code can become even more concise! Instead of passing a module, function, and arguments to the Agent functions, we can pass an anonymous function instead. Here, we’ll combine our client and server functions such that the server portion is just an anonymous function inside the client functions:

defmodule BBS.MessageRepository do
  use Agent

  def post(message) do
    Agent.update(BBS.MessageRepository, fn messages ->
      [message | messages]

  def read_all() do
    Agent.get(BBS.MessageRepository, fn messages ->

  def start_link(messages) do
    Agent.start_link(fn -> messages end, name: BBS.MessageRepository)

That’s it! Those 19 lines of code constitute our entire message repository process! This level of brevity is not available with GenServer, only with Agent.

You can view this terser Agent version on GitHub as well.

The downside to this condensed code, in my opinion, is that the separation between what code runs in the server process from what code runs in the client process is at its fuzziest. I can imagine confusing what runs where when giving this code a quick skim.

Conclusion #

GenServers and Agents are both kinds of processes defined within Elixir. The former allows for great flexibility and different use cases whereas the latter is optimized an implementation of the former for allowing processes to read/write access to a single piece of data.

I hope that this post has given you the knowledge to make the right choice for your application!

  1. The process mailbox acts like a FIFO queue; messages sent first will be processed first. However it’s worth noting that if the receiving process dies for any reason, it’s mailbox—and thus queue of work—will be lost. ↩︎

  2. This works well for prototyping, but you should be aware that when the GenServer process dies, all the data that it was holding will be lost. For a more persistent data store, you’ll want to use either DETS or an external database such as Redis or PostgreSQL. ↩︎

  3. There are other kinds of messages that can be received by a GenServer—including cast messages and info messages, handled by handle_cast/2 and handle_info/2, respectively—but I only cover call messages in this post. ↩︎

  4. I’m not a fan of having client functions and server functions in the same file, especially if they contain any amount of logic, but this is the Elixir convention. Dave Thomas explores this in his talk “I Write Bad Elixir. So Do You!”. Humorously Agent bucks the convention and splits client and server, with the Agent module containing the client functions and the Agent.Server module containing the server functions. ↩︎