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Elixir Behaviours vs Protocols

·7 mins

As developers begin learning Elixir, they often have a very understandable confusion around the difference between Elixir’s behaviours and protocols. These are similar constructs, but with important differences.

Behaviours #

Behaviours are conceptually quite simple:

A behaviour module defines a set of functions and macros (referred to as callbacks) that callback modules implementing that behaviour must export.

For instance, a commonly used behaviour is GenServer, used like so:

defmodule MyApp.APICache do
  @behaviour GenServer

However, this module fails to compile with the following error:

warning: function init/1 required by behaviour GenServer is not implemented (in module MyApp.APICache)

In other words, the GenServer behaviour specified that modules implementing it must define an init/1 function that starts the GenServer process. By enforcing the existence of an init/1 function, the GenServer behaviour ensures that if a module knows how to start one implementation of GenServer, it knows how to start all implementations of GenServer.

This demonstrates the central proposition of behaviours: behaviours allow modules to be interchangeable.

This property of interchangeability lends itself to use with the Dispatcher Pattern. Let’s say that we are writing an application that takes the name of a product and tries to find a price for that item on an online marketplace. We could write our application like so:

defmodule PriceFinder do
  @spec product_price(String.t()) :: integer
  def product_price(product_name) do
    cond do
      is_boat?(product_name) ->
      is_computer_component?(product_name) ->
      is_car?(product_name) ->

  # ...

This is fine, but consider the case where a developer makes a small change such that BoatTraderAPI.find_boat_price/1 now returns a float instead of an integer. Whoops! Sadly, this is the kind of error that Dialyzer isn’t likely to catch1. To remedy this, a well-meaning developer might make the following change:

-      BoatTraderAPI.find_boat_price(product_name)
+      float_price = BoatTraderAPI.find_boat_price(product_name)
+      floor(float_price * 100)

However, now our product_price/1 function has started to bloat with BoatTrader-specific logic.

So, what’s the alternative? Let’s write a behaviour and a dispatcher.

defmodule PriceFinder do
  @callback product_price(String.t()) :: integer

  @spec product_price(String.t()) :: integer
  def product_price(product_name) do

  defp implementation(product_name) do
    cond do
      is_boat?(product_name) -> BoatTraderAPI
      is_computer_component?(product_name) -> NeweggAPI
      is_car?(product_name) -> JoydriveAPI

  # ...


In this case, BoatTraderAPI, NeweggAPI, and JoydriveAPI (collectively, the implementations) should all contain @behaviour PriceFinder. This way, PriceFinder.product_price/1 (the dispatcher) can be assured that a product_price/1 function exists within each of those modules, and Dialyzer can check that the implementations conform to the typespec specified. Consequently, type-related errors should be harder to introduce and the dispatcher leaves no room for vendor-specific bloat to creep in.

Protocols #

Given what we now know about behaviours, the documentation’s summary of protocols is somewhat confusing:

A protocol specifies an API that should be defined by its implementations. A protocol is defined with Kernel.defprotocol/2 and its implementations with Kernel.defimpl/3.

This sounds exactly like what behaviours are for, and indeed, protocols use behaviours under-the-hood. However, where protocols and behaviours differ is with a constraint that the summary did not specify. Namely, that each implementation of a protocol must be for a distinct data type.

To understand this further, let’s take a look at a protocol in the Elixir standard library: String.Chars. While this may sound unfamiliar to you, you have certainly used it before as Kernel.to_string/1:

defmacro to_string(term) do
  quote(do: :"Elixir.String.Chars".to_string(unquote(term)))

This strange-looking macro is simply transforming your to_string(my_string) call to String.Chars.to_string(my_string) at compile-time. String.Chars.to_string/1 (and Kernel.to_string/1, by virtue of this macro expansion) can take any of a wide variety of data types and return a string representation of them.

Alright, so how then is String.Chars.to_string/1 defined? This is the entirety of the String.Chars module with the documentation removed for brevity:

defprotocol String.Chars do
  @spec to_string(t) :: String.t()
  def to_string(term)

However, just below that protocol’s definition in string/chars.ex are the implementations for many of Elixir’s datatypes. Here are implementations for Integer and Float:

defimpl String.Chars, for: Integer do
  def to_string(term) do

defimpl String.Chars, for: Float do
  def to_string(term) do

As you can see, inside each defimpl String.Chars, for: ... there must be a to_string/1 function defined that transforms its given datatype (here, either Integer or Float) to a string. When String.Chars.to_string/1 is called, it will effectively look at the type of the argument it was passed and call the corresponding implementation.

A single function that has differing implementations based on which data type is passed is said to exhibit ad-hoc polymorphism. This is commonly contrasted with parametric polymorphism, where a function can handle different data types but the implementation is the same for all (consider that the single implementation of can handle lists of integers, lists of strings, etc).

What’s even more interesting, though, is that each Elixir struct is considered it’s own “type” for the purposes of protocols. For fun, let’s define our own type:

defmodule Boat do
  defstruct [:length, :fuel_type]

Alright, and let’s try to stringify an instance of this new struct:

to_string(%Boat{length: 41, fuel_type: "diesel"})
#=> ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for
#=>    %Boat{fuel_type: "diesel", length: 41} of type Boat (a struct)

If we want our Boat “type” to have a string representation, we’ll have to implement the String.Chars protocol!

defimpl String.Chars, for: Boat do
  def to_string(boat),
    do: "A #{boat.length}' boat powered by #{boat.fuel_type}"
to_string(%Boat{length: 41, fuel_type: "diesel"})
#=> "A 41' boat powered by diesel"

This has also exposed another power of protocols: a protocol can dispatch to a module that is not known to it. For instance, the authors of the String.Chars protocol had no idea that I would come along and implement their protocol for my Boat struct. And they didn’t have to! Protocols essentially implement the implementation/1 function we defined in the behaviour example above by dispatching solely by the type of the argument, and the dispatcher is automatically extended to any new implementations.

The popular Jason library uses this concept with its Jason.Encoder protocol. You can implement the Jason.Encoder protocol on your structs to tell Jason how to JSON-encode them.

Alright, let’s tie what we’ve now learned about protocols together with our example from earlier, but with a slight twist. Instead of the user providing us the name of a product, they will choose a product from our collection of Boats, Components, and Cars (where Boat, Component, and Car are structs).

Modifying our behaviour-based solution from earlier to fit this new model yields the following:

defmodule PriceFinder do
  @callback product_price(any) :: integer

  @spec product_price(any) :: integer
  def product_price(product) do

  defp implementation(product) do
    cond do
      is_struct(product, Boat) -> BoatTraderAPI
      is_struct(product, Component) -> NeweggAPI
      is_struct(product, Car) -> JoydriveAPI

Not bad! However, now that our implementation/1 function is based solely around “types”, we can use a protocol instead!3

defprotocol PriceFinder do
  @spec product_price(t) :: integer
  def product_price(product)

defimpl PriceFinder, for: Boat do
  def product_price(boat), do: BoatTraderAPI.product_price(boat)

defimpl PriceFinder, for: Component do
  def product_price(component), do: NeweggAPI.product_price(component)

defimpl PriceFinder, for: Car do
  def product_price(car), do: JoydriveAPI.product_price(car)

If our PriceFinder module is going to be shipped as part of a library, the protocol approach would allow users of the library to implement the PriceFinder protocol for their own structs. So long as there exists a defimpl of the PriceFinder protocol for the type (or struct) being passed, calling PriceFinder.product_price will find the appropriate implementation and invoke it.

Conclusion #

In short, both behaviours and protocols define an interface which must be fulfilled by its implementations. Behaviours are more general-purpose than protocols, and are sometimes used with dispatchers. Protocols are built on top of behaviours and have a type-based dispatcher built-in—one that is extensible to external types as well.

  1. Dialyzer only reports issues with typespecs that will never be met. Since our product_price/1 function can sometimes comply with its typespec when the find_boat_price function has the wrong return type (namely the find_component_price and find_car_price functions and corresponding cond arms will still return the correct type), Dialyzer will ignore the potential discrepancy. ↩︎

  2. Did you notice the duplicated typespec between @callback and @spec? Sadly, that is necessary due to another weakness of Dialyzer. Each of our implementations must comply with the @callback typing, which means Dialyzer should be able to infer the success typing of product_price/1 to be the same. However, Dialyzer sees the return type of product_price/1 as being the return type of apply(module, :product_price, [String.t()]). Dialyzer will not visit each module to see what its product_price/1 return type is—or even if some product_price/1 function even exists! It simply knows that the return type of apply/3 is any and bubbles that result up to the product_price/1 function. Therefore, we must provide a meaningful return type for product_price/1 such that Dialyzer may check the places where product_price/1 is called. ↩︎

  3. Notice the @spec in the protocol definition? Not only does that apply to the generated PriceFinder.product_price/1 function, but it will also be applied to each implementation as well. ↩︎